Monday, June 3, 2013

The Good Life...Grilled Strip Steak, Baked Potato and Fresh Greens Salad.

This post isn't about recipes but more about a recent dinner the Mrs. and I prepared. and ate on our patio.  We bought 2 fresh Strip Steaks from Wegmans, and picked some younger lettuce shoots from the garden for a salad.

We grilled the steaks, about 4 to 5 minutes per side on the grill.  I coated the potatoes in olive oil and sprinkled "montreal steak" seasoning on them and left them on the grill for about 45-50 minutes, wrapped in aluminum foil.

The wife added chopped onion, cherry tomato, and some carrots along with oil and vinegar to the fresh picked lettuce.  It was really an unforgettable meal.
LOOK at that lettuce!  I was beaming with pride...

For growing it in a pot, i'm surprised at how much we got.

finished product.  thank you wife for your skillful chopping!

I'm sorry I didn't get any pictures of the steak before we grilled it.  It was a beautiful cut of meat too! (read that as expen$ive!)
Leonor likes her steak VERY well done...Mine on the other hand medium-rare.

I sprinkled a little "montreal steak" on the steaks prior to grilling.  that was the only prep that went into them.
I did not want to use the blog for any endorsements of products, but if you eve want a meat seasoning that is literally "no fail" I recommend looking into the "Grill Mate" line by Mccormick.  Montreal Steak has everything you could want to season meat.  I like it for poultry as well, but they also have one for chicken...
You can research Montreal Steak and other seasonings here.

Probably the only thing missing was a nice cold beer or glass of wine.  I had my home-made hard cider with this meal.  Which was good, but I think the wine or beer would have been better.


  1. that's one nice looking meal and one nice looking garden. I bet the Kiwi lads here would have a thing or two to say about how to BBQ the meat (they always do)... but can you say that you've BBQ'd for the father of the All Black that won New Zealand the 2011 Rugby world cup? I guess that's something special I have done cooking wise.

    anyway beautiful meal. and as for the beer or wine. the New Zealanders would always say Beer.

    I wonder what's for dinner...

  2. Thank you, Gowan. The Aussies and Kiwis are known worldwide for their BBQ and I post these blogs with the full knowledge that I tread in the shadow of giants!

    I was very impressed with the size of the lettuce and the amount of it so far (early summer here in the northeastern USA) and it was starting to overcrowd the pot we have it in so it was time to harvest some of it!

    As far as beer or wine is concerned, it's funny because as I get older, it seems I'm craving red table wine with certain meals more than beer.

    That is an impressive feat and truth be told I've never BBQ'd for anyone famous :) Nicely done.

    1. I am nor sure Bret would consider himself famous. he's just a teacher at college, perhaps more famous for being a teacher there for a very long time rather than the father of an all black.

      very different weather down here. early winter. one of the buildings at school developed a small stream in one of the corridors (which meant we had to shift computers stored in one of the spare rooms off the floor and into the other room) which has never happened before. so quite strange weather indeed. anyway the strange seasons seems to have been really good for your lettuce.
